How to Have Faith Like Peter

How did Peter have enough faith to actually walk on the water with Jesus??

We aren’t sure if Peter was experiencing a personal crisis during this encounter with Jesus but the Bible tells us that the boat Peter and the disciples were in was in the midst of a sea storm. It says in Matthew 14: 24 that “the boat was buffeted by waves because the wind was against it.” The disciples were afraid.

If you are experiencing a time of great grief or turmoil then you can relate to what this must have been like for the disciples. 

Grief can knock the wind out of us. It can toss us about, causing confusion and fear. 

If we have lost a spouse, we may feel like the future we had in mind is now a deep, black hole with no end in sight. 

As we continue the story we see that Jesus noticed the boat being tossed back and forth and instead of calming the storm from a distance, like He could have done, He chose to walk into the storm and meet the disciples right where they were. He didn’t need circumstances to change or become easier. He didn’t just calm the storm when He reached the boat, He called the disciples to get out of the boat and walk on the water with him, amidst the storm.

Peter was the only one that God out of the boat. 

He was the only one that experienced this intense encounter with Jesus. The others watched from the safety of the boat but didn’t have the faith to actually get out of the boat. 

Jesus calmly said to them. “Take Courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.”

Peter walked on water. 

Even though he eventually took his eyes off of Jesus and back to the storm, causing him to sink, Jesus still caught him. 

Jesus knows our weaknesses. He knows our tendencies to focus on all that is wrong instead of focusing on all that is right with Him. 

So today ask yourself: Do you have enough faith to follow Jesus even amidst a storm? A storm so raging that you don’t dare leave the safety of the boat?

We want to say Yes. It is the right thing to say YES. But it is not that easy. It can be utterly terrifying. If you remember in the story Jesus is calling Peter out onto the water. Peter already knows he is not alone. and you are not alone. If Jesus is calling you to big steps of healing, causing you to get out of your comfort zone, He will be right there with you. He already walked out to get you, He won’t give up on you now.

Keep your eyes on Jesus as you climb out of the boat. Don’t look down but even if you do Jesus will reach right now down to grab you out of the water.

Take the leaps of faith. Try the new things. Face the hard things. You reward in healing will be great.

You can walk on water!

Matthew 14:24-33 (The Message)

Meanwhile, the boat was far out to sea when the wind came up against them and they were battered by the waves. At about four o’clock in the morning, Jesus came toward them walking on the water. They were scared to death. “A ghost!” they said, crying out in terror.

 But Jesus was quick to comfort them. “Courage, it’s me. Don’t be afraid.”

 Peter, suddenly bold, said, “Master, if it’s really you, call me to come to you on the water.”

 He said, “Come ahead.”

Jumping out of the boat, Peter walked on the water to Jesus. But when he looked down at the waves churning beneath his feet, he lost his nerve and started to sink. He cried, “Master, save me!”

 Jesus didn’t hesitate. He reached down and grabbed his hand. Then he said, “Faint-heart, what got into you?”

 The two of them climbed into the boat, and the wind died down. The disciples in the boat, having watched the whole thing, worshiped Jesus, saying, “This is it! You are God’s Son for sure!”


Trusting God More Than What We Can See